February 2023 Meeting Minutes

Robeson Elementary Center PTO

 PTO Meeting

February 23, 2023

Board Members In Attendance:

Jenna Kemp- President

Whitney Kemp- Vice President 

Heidi Beitler- Treasurer

Danielle Klishevich- Corresponding Secretary

Amanda Ford- Recording Secretary

Attendees: Sarah McCahon, Karen Keenan, Dena Stefenack, Amanda Szymborski-Pratt, Tiffany Hygofsky, Laura Mohn, Ashley Schnoke, Jenny Poe, Katie Price and Mrs. Giles.


              Start: 7:01

             End: 8:17


  • Treasury Report:

-Heidi updated the form to make it easier to read by removing the previous year totals. Amazon smile will be ending so we got a final check of $212.21. We had Fun Fest expenses going out as well as some shopping for Holiday Shop. There was additional discussion and documents provided showing the breakdown of expected expenses for the rest of the year. Laura talked about a variance column on the budget. It was explained that the money raised this year for Race for Ed is earmarked for next year and that is why we dont show it as available funds. Dena Stefenack and Amanda Szymborski-Pratt approved the budget.

  • Principal’s Report: 

-Thanking the PTO for staff dinners, many staff members enjoyed it. Our Child Guidance counselor started about 3 weeks ago. She meets with children independently. She is servicing children. Playground update: We got preliminary approval. We are looking at putting in more swings. The district will have the design company come out to look at late spring early summer. The proposal will be put together and given to the PTO Board. The start date will have to wait until after the HVAC is finished which would be 2024. March will have a few fun activities coming. March 16th celtic assembly with sounds and stories. March Madness will be happening with events through the library. March 31st there will be a musical assembly called 2 of a kind. This will be looking to focus on the social and emotional needs of our students. Grandparents Day will be back on 5/26. It will have a musical performance from the students. The grandparents won't be able to come into the building because of the HVAC. Hvac work is going to be starting next week in full swing. May 16th will be the 4th grade spring concert.

  • Agenda Items:

  • Mini Grant request/Review

-Kindergarten wants to do a chick program. All supplies will be included for this 2 week period. $180 fee and a $30 refund. Approved by Sarah McCahon, Dena Sefenack.

  • 4th grade party update

-Arnold’s includes lunch and bumper cars and activities. Can bring in desserts. Time frame 1-4pm. They can keep their arcade card. Fundraisers: Eggs, Rita’s cards, Scoop De Ville on April 22nd, t-shirts again. Next meeting is March 6th @4pm. 

  • March Madness/Glow Day

-Will start on the 13th. We got the kids book lights for at the end of March Madness. We will be doing glow day on March 2nd for the kids.

  • Fun Fest

-We need volunteers!! 30 minute slots. We asked a lot of local organizations. Fire trucks will be here, buses will be here, police will be here. We will have coffee this year. Reading coffee companies does great things. Nuse’s and chick-fil-a for food. Raffle basket flyers will be coming home soon. Games will be upstairs and downstairs. 

  • Dr. Winters Meet and Greet (March 14th)

  • Important Dates: 

     -Spirit Wear open now through March 15th

     - Mimmo’s pop-up 3/8

     -Vincenzo’s pop-up 4/4

     -Moe’s 5/31

Open Discussion:

  -Kiln conversation from Mrs. Giles. The current one is 30 years old. She will not run it because she doesn't want to cause a fire. It has been in bad shape for 17 years. The Ceramic shop seems to have the best. This has not been able to happen because of the condition of the kiln and it is in the curriculum. Approved the kiln. 

Upcoming Meeting Information:    March 14th 7pm


March 2023 Meeting Minutes


January 2023 Meeting Minutes