April 2023 Meeting Minutes
Robeson Elementary Center PTO
PTO Meeting
April 11, 2023
Board Members In Attendance:
Jenna Kemp- President
Whitney Kemp- Vice President
Heidi Beitler- Treasurer
Danielle Klishevich- Corresponding Secretary (Via Zoom)
Amanda Ford- Recording Secretary
In Person: Sarah McCahon, Laura Mohn, Renee Hiltebeitel, Valerie Miller.
Via Zoom: Jenny Poe, Jessica Kabeko, Katie Price, Tiffany Hagofsky, Kelly Keiser, Ashley Schnoke, Meredith Kazmentski and Carrie Mountz
Start: 7:06
End: 8:04
Treasury Report: Changes in Fun Fest, Pie Sale, Spirit Wear Sales, 4th grade party, Mini Grants and Staff Appreciation. Fun Fest did well! We did come in under what we hoped to raise but we have still raised. Question was asked about why balances were not listed on the sheet anymore. 75% needs to be carried over until next year's budget. The remainder will be added into an account for the swings. Approval: Laura Mohn & Sarah McCahon
Principal’s Report: The board approved the last day of School to June 7th. Everything will be updated soon. This will impact end of year things and we will figure it all out soon. HVAC is moving along quickly. They will be able to turn on the AC even with the work. April 24th is the start of PSSAs. Everything will be done within 2 weeks. The kids will still get breakfast and snacks. They will still get to have Special. Kindergarten Orientation is around 40 kids, May 15th will be orientation. Questions from staff about PTO wanting to do a family director for next year. Could this be a google doc that is on the PTO website. Need to think about how to get info out. Fun Fest went really well. 4th Grade moving up ceremony will be on 6/6/2023. More information will be given soon but will be in the morning.
Questions to Van B from PTO.
-Field Day: Can we have half day volunteer shifts? Everyone has to have clearances and check in to help. The staff were able to know who was helping or not. Who makes the sign-up for that? Mrs. Kling is who does that.
Agenda Items:
Mini Grant request/Review:
-Mrs. Davis (K) $132 for 24 doodle boards. Valerie Miller & Sarah McCahon
-Mrs. Kling (PE) Scooters for Field Day and to be used in gym class also. 6 scooters for $495. Laura Mohn and Renee Hiltebeitel
Fun Fest Recap: We had 69 PreSales. It helped with the line. One floor was really really making the day go smoothly. Thank you to all the volunteers! We are thinking about having a bounce activity for 4 & Under. Look at the race car game for doing something differently. No refund sign will be needed for next year. No morning set up needed for next year.
Field Day: May 19th will be a Friday. We are hoping for morning and afternoon activities. She will be doing the crayon squirt activity, hungry hippo game and pizza stack games. Tug of War instead of races. Apples donated from Weavers, Jugs of water with cups and pretzels. Kona is coming for the kids for that day.
Staff Appreciation: You hit it out of the park team. This will be May 9th, lunch in the LGI. Red, White & Blue and have a photo booth for them. Waiting to hear from the Reading Phillies for tickets.
Reelections: Whitney and Jenna will be running again for 2 year terms. Anyone is more than welcome to run.
Girls On The Run Presentation by Sarah McCahon: Sarah thinks that this is a great idea for our school to have. It is a national organization that was created in 1996. It is for their physical and mental wellbeing. It is only for girls. This is a step in the right direction for our girls. This is a 10 week program. We don’t fall into Berks county, we fall into Southeastern Suburban PA . This is an after school program. This is to help build confidence and well being. Sarah has a lot of the information or you can check the website. They run 2 seasons, we would be in the spring season and it lasts 90 minutes after school. TVEC has it but REC and HBEC do not. They have an ending celebration in May with a 5K. It is for 3,4 & 5th grade girls. Sliding scale for cost anywhere from $25-$195. A lot comes with the cost, it is on a sliding scale. Max would be like 15 girls per team and coach. Registration opens in November and the season starts in February. This is something that we are definitely wanting to move forward with the program.
TVEC Spring Fling 1-4pm 4/15
Community Day Out @ Scoop Deville: All Day 4/22
Crow Wagon at REC for T-Ball Opening Day at 9am 4/22
Plowville Baseball/Softball opening weekend 4/15
Weaver’s Orchard Spring Bloom Event : 4/21 (11-5) & 4/22 (10-4)
Upcoming Pop-ups: Moe’s 5/31
Upcoming Half Days: 5/26
Upcoming No School: 5/16 & 5/29
Last Day of School: FULL DAY June 7th
NEXT MEETING: 5/31 @ 7pm