May 2023 Meeting Minutes

Board Members In Attendance:

Jenna Kemp- President

Whitney Kemp- Vice President 

Heidi Beitler- Treasurer

Danielle Klishevich- Corresponding Secretary (Via Zoom)

Amanda Ford- Recording Secretary


In Person:  Jessica Kabbeko, Valarie Miller, Laura Mohn, Sarah McCahon and Valarie Smith


              Start: 7:01



  • Treasury Report: We had a few changes in terms of Amazon Smile, Box Tops and spirit wear. We had some expenses for field day. Kona donated for staff and ny volunteers. The Beverly Paris Award had the plaque bought. The 4th Grade party is wrapping up. We spent money going out for grants and the installation of the Kiln. We spent money on staff appreciation. We also paid for yearbooks. Approved by Valerie Miller and Sarah McCahon.

  • Principal’s Report: May is a Rush of activities, thanking the PTO for staff lunch for appreciation. The spring concert was held and it was a great way to end the year. It was 3rd and 4th grade. Field Day was a great day with a lot of turnout. The weather was great and Tug-of-war was great. The kids loved it. Grandparents day had over 450 grandparents. The kids sang songs and had a great program. Time in the classroom was limited but they will be talking about it more for what to do next year. The hvac work played a part in that. Grad walk was a great day today. Lots of previous REC kids and their friends came. The 4th grade graduation will be on 6/6 @ 2:15. . A slide show will happen as all of the kids walk across the stage. There will also be a few other awards that will also be handed out. Last thing is that there is a lot of chatter about staffing for next year. This is a very complicated process with looking at numbers and budgets. Administration and The School Board needed to figure this whole staffing issue in regards to district needs. There is no definitive answer yet but hopefully next week they will have a decision and let teachers know soon. 

  • Questions for Dr. Van B: What about the 4th grade field trip to French Creek. This is a very big and difficult trip to plan. Does it have to be an employee that plans that trip and the answer is we are unsure of that. 

  • Agenda Items:

  • Mini Grant request/Review: Ms. Robinson in Learning support. It is materials to help students count by 5 and 10s. It is a big package that has a game, coins and activities $249.52. Approved by Valerie Miller & Laura Mohn. Mrs. Smith is looking for additional science materials 124.19. Approved by Laura Mohn and Sarah McCahon.  Mrs. Glass is looking for additional games and activities for her students $250. Approved by Laura Mohn and Valerie Miller.  Mrs Burns bought some supplies for French Creek and is looking for reimbursement 47.41. Approved Valarie Miller & Laura Mohn. 

  • Field Day Recap: Great Day and the Children were very happy with the apples and chips. Split time was great for volunteers and the High School Heroes were great!

  • Elections: Jenna Kemp and Whitney Kemp unanimously voted back into President and Vice President. 

  • Thank You:


September 2023 Meeting Minutes


April 2023 Meeting Minutes