December 2023 Meeting Minutes
Robeson Elementary PTO December Meeting Minutes
December 11, 2023
Start time: 7:05 pm End Time: 7:54 pm
Attending: Jenna Kemp, President, Whitney Kemp, Vice President, Heidi Beitler, Treasurer, Danielle Klishevich, Corresponding Secretary Amanda Ford, Recording Secretary, Tiffany Hagofsky, Sarah McCahon, Stacy Wolfe, Jenny Walton and Amanda Szymborski Pratt
Principal’s Report with Dr. Van B: December testing is starting. The building concert was today and the 4th grade will perform tomorrow night at 7pm. Holiday Parties are on 12/21 and the half day will be PJ day on 12/22. Amisweb will start once we return from break. This scores the kids based on grade level curriculum. K and 1st grade is done in person, so that is about 15 minutes per child. 2nd-4th is done online and takes about 20 minutes. These do not go on a report card. 1/12 is a half day and the kids are off school on 1/15. MTSS will not happen during the assessment period during January. We will be changing the spirit day of crazy hair day in March because of conferences. The Sign is being worked on and it is happening in stages. This will be a digital sign. The dumpster and storage bins are being removed. They are still tweaking the vents but they are making great progress. The goal is for late February. K, 1st and 2nd grade will be getting carpets back for next year. The teachers really loved the staff dinner.
Approval of last meeting’s minutes: Sarah McCahon and Tiffany Hydasky
Mini Grant requests/review: 1st grade is requesting reusable book pouches. The total $641.58, they want to use the grade level grant of $500 and then we will use the remaining from each teacher. SarahMcCahon and Amanda SP
7:15: Treasury Report: We met our goal for Holiday Shop, we made a profit $5,539.72 and
Mrs. Diefenbach used her mini grant to buy 3rd grade recorders. Sarah and Tiffany
7:30: Agenda Items
Holiday Shop Recap: We sponsored about 20 kids this year who were able to shop. We want to communicate better with the teachers and or Ms. Stennman about how we can help with some communication about Holiday Shop. We will keep brainstorming on this topic.
Candy Canes with Santa Recap: This went really well. We had about 175-200 people come through. We did crafts, hot cocoa and reindeer food. This was a great event. We are looking at changing the time for next year 6-7pm. The half in half outside went really well.
Law Enforcement Day (January 9th): Timing wise would be 9:30 and have the walk through and then coffee and donuts for them in the cafeteria. Sarah and Tiffany will get cards and coloring sheets. Sign-up genius will be out after the holidays
Online Raffle: Is currently happening. It is a tree with gift cards. Chances are being sold on Cheddar up for $5. The drawing will end on 12/21.
January Event Flyer: Review of upcoming dates for January
7:55-8:00: Open Discussion/Questions: Sarah McCahon asked about the water fountain in the 3rd grade wing and Dr. Van B said that they are working on that. Amanda SP asked about a vendor fair or maybe a clothing trade where processes got to the PTO. We will be working on this idea.
Moe’s Pop Up: 1/9/24
Winter Classroom parties will be on 12/21/23
Spirit Day : 12/22/23 PJ Day
Winter Break 12/22-1/1/24
Reading Royals Hockey Game: 1/12 @ 7pm game
High school sports have begun, calendar here:
NEXT MEETING: This will be a Fun Fest Meeting 1/9/23 at 7pm
The PTO is here for you, please let any Board Member know if you have any questions.