November 2023 Meeting Minutes

Robeson Elementary PTO November Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2023

Welcome Everyone!

Start:       7:05pm                                                                                                                 End: 8:01pm

Attendees: Jenna Kemp, President, Whitney Kemp, Vice President,Heidi Beitler, Treasurer

Danielle Klishevich, Corresponding Secretary, Amanda Ford, Recording Secretary, 


  • Welcome Guests

  • Any  staff joining us who would like to speak: Mrs. Smith is here and she said Thank you for everything with Race for Education.


  • Principal’s Report with Dr. Van B: Race for education was great and we exceeded our goals. The lobby display was so nice and Kindergarten used it as part of a lesson in their curriculum. Dr. Van B thanked the PTO and parents for all their hard work with Veteran’s Day . She really likes how all the Veterans talk and interact with each other. Many veterans talked about how impressed they were with the children and how wonderful this event is. Upcoming eventsNovember 21st will be a crazy hat day for students. The 4th grade field trip to the Reading Public museum in December (12th. The 4th grade chorus concert on 12/12. We will have Holiday parties on 12/21 and each grade will talk with their HR parents. Friday December 22, is PJ day and a ½ for students. The teachers will do something seasonal that day. Kindergarten will be caroling. Amis Web screening will be late December and early January. Laura Mohn asked for additional information about the 3rd grade assessment coming up that is screening for gifted support. This assessment is to help to see if students are needing to be looked at for gifted support. This usually came from parents' requests but the screener is being put in place. The students do not know that this is for gifted support. There will be no further assessments without parents consent for gifted support. This is the first time it is going to be used. 


  • Approval of last meeting’s minutes Call for approval: Valarie Miller and Sarah McCahon


  • Mini Grant requests/review: Mrs. Herbine would like to replenish her desk pets, this is used in the whole 2nd grade. She will also be purchasing high interest books for her classroom. Approval by Laura Mohn and Tiffany Hodfysky. 

7:30: Agenda Items

  •  Race for Education Recap: Thank you to Sarah for being the chair. We raised over $15,000 and we paid the credit card fees and paid for the program for next year. The PTO bought the kids ice pops for reaching our goal. Unique pretzels and weavers orchard donated pretzels and apples. Thank you to the High School Hero’s for all they do! This couldn't have been done without them. 

  • Donuts with Dad  Recap: This was a huge event! Joanna Store donated for both days! We couldn't have done this without them. We will be changing the timing for mom’s. We have notes but overall it was a huge success. 

  • Veteran’s Day Recap: Thank you to Valarie and Amanda for help with setting up.  and Laura for all that she did. Thank you to everyone for all that  you did. Morgantown Coffee House gave bagels and cream cheese and Boyers donated donuts. Videos have been made with Veterans after the assembly to be included in the morning announcements. We are going to see if we can share these on the facebook page.

  • Fun Fest Raffle Help: We really need some support with raffles. We want to break this up. This needs to happen in January. 

  • Staff Dinner for Conference Night (Monday 11/20): We ordered Mama’s for staff dinners. We are looking for sodas and desserts. Discussion about the PTO funding all of the staff dinner and could we talk about how we can do this differently for next year. Next year fall conferences will be fully funded by the PTO. Holly gave the idea about creating a PTO wish list at the beginning of the year.

  • Pie Sale Pick-up (Monday, 11/20 5:30-6pm): Weavers we sold 129 pies and we should make about $400 on that. We do not have the numbers from Sweet ride yet. On Monday Nov. 20th about 2:00 we will be bagging the pies before pick up. 

  • November Raffle: Angela Carvell did a great job! The downside to cheddar up is credit card fees. We did a smore/solo stove basket and we raised over $125 on this. We will have one in December and Angela will have that coming soon. 

  • December Event Flyer: Meeting will be changed to 12/11 because of the concert. Holiday Shop is coming up on 12/4-12/8. Jenna ordered the chocolate from a local business. Holly asked to get allergen information. We will be setting up on 11/30 and 12/1 for Holiday Shop, if anyone wants to come and help. We will be setting up if anyone wants to help. We have Candy Canes with Santa coming up and we don’t need much for this at all. Mainly need candy canes and hot cocoa. We need to see if the staff would  like to participate by getting the sign-ups. Classroom parties will be on 12/21 and PJ Day will be on 12/22. 

   7:50:  Treasury Report: Everyone take a look at the treasury report. There are a few things that you may be looking for that Heidi is going to talk about. Garden Club received $268 for supplies of weed matting, soil and thi took place during garden club and after. We are waiting for our $14,987.25+ from Race For Education for Fund Hub. We also had cash deposits of $1,040 for Race for Education. We made $229 in Mimmos from the Do It Local. Are there any other budget questions Holly Breztius and Julie Allesandrini. 

7:55-8:00: Open Discussion/Questions: Holly said Thank you for the gluten free options for the pie sale. National Law Enforcement Day is January 9th and we are looking at options to recognize them that day, like a walk through similar to the grad walk for Seniors. We will finalize at the next meeting. Amanda will update about the Reading Royals game coming up in January. Flyers will come out soon. Our new PTO facebook page is out there. We will also put the new Facebook page in the news letter. We will also put the info out about coaches for GOTR in the newsletter. Registration is open for now. 


  • Pie Sale Pick up: 11/20 5:30-6:00 pm

  • Parent Teacher Conferences: 11/20 & 11/21

  • ½ Day on 11/21 and Spirit Day ( Hat Day)

  • Thanksgiving Break: 11/22-11/27

  • Winter Classroom parties will be on 12/21/23

  • Reading Royals Hockey Game: 1/20 7pm game

  • High school sports have begun, calendar here:

  • NEXT MEETING: 12/11/23 at 7pm

The PTO is here for you, please let any Board Member know if you have any questions.


December 2023 Meeting Minutes


October 2023 Meeting Minutes