October 2023 Meeting Minutes

Robeson Elementary PTO October Meeting Agenda

October 10, 2023

Welcome Everyone!

Start Time:   7:03 pm                                                                                              End Time: 7:30 pm

Attending:   Sorcha Smith, Liz Russ, Stacy Wolfe, Carrie Mountz, Sarah McCahon, Jessica Hathaway, Kelly Keiser, Tammy Klinger, Nicole Millard, Katie Price, Meredith Kaszmetskie, Amanda Miller, Angela Carvell, Jenny Walton, Jenny Poe, Renee Hiltebeitel, Valerie Miller and Ashley Schnoke.

  • Board Member Introductions

Jenna Kemp, President

Whitney Kemp, Vice President

Heidi Beitler, Treasurer

Danielle Klishevich, Corresponding Secretary

                                Amanda Ford, Recording Secretary

  • Welcome Guests:  No guest tonight

  • Principal’s Report with Dr. Van B: Dr. Van B was not feeling well and did not attend the meeting. If you have any questions for her please email her.

  • Approval of last meeting’s minutes: We want to approve last meeting's minutes. Carrie Mountz  and Liz Rus approved minutes

  • Mini Grant requests/review

-Mr. Galaka is  looking for magazine for the Library $405.60 Tiffany and Sarah McCahon

Agenda Items

  •  Girls on the Run: Approval for at REC, we need 3 coaches. Sarah is going to be one coach so we need 2 more. Sarah has flyers available. This is  for girls in 3rd and 4th grade. This is an 8 week program that starts in February. This ends in a 5K run in May.  All of this information will be put onto the portal

  • Donuts with Dad Donations: This is October 17th & 18th Joanna Store is donating donuts and breakfast goodies.  We are asking for a few things, mainly paper products. There is a QR code for this. 

  • Race for Ed: We are over $7,000. Papers went out last week and we are making great progress. All the classes made class goals. Carrie is going to reach out to whispering pines. The PTO did a commercial for the morning announcements.  

  • Veteran’s  Day: MCH and Boyer’s will be donating food times for the brunch. We will be doing the display in the lobby again. Flyers will be sent out soon for that. We will be doing the set  up Thursday 10/9 at 4pm. 

  • 4th Grade party: The 4th grade party will be at Arnold’s this year. The PTO will be covering the cost of the trip and buses. The first meeting will be Nov. 15th at 7pm here at REC

  • Fun Fest Prep — March 9: We are looking for multiple people to help push out asking for donations. This is time consuming and we need to have as much support as possible. 

    • Raffle baskets by Feb 15, assignments in January 

    • 4-5 Volunteers to contact local businesses 

  • Halloween Celebrations: Parade is first and then party. Please make sure you are reaching out to your teachers as HR parents. Be sure that you are aware of the time because of the parade and the half/day. 

    • Come watch the parade & HR parents- get party plans set

  • Pie Sale info- Coming out soon on this but pick up will be 11/20. Waiting to hear back from Sweet Ride and Weaver’s on due date.

  •   Treasury Report: Hopefully everyone got a chance to take a look at the report and see if any questions: Approval from Carrie Mountz & Valerie Miller

  • Open Discussion/Questions: No questions


  • Race For Education celebration: 10/19/2310/27: Halloween Parade, Parties, Early Dismissal

  • Picture day is 10/20

  • Picture day is 10/2010/27: Halloween Parade, Parties, Early Dismissal


November 2023 Meeting Minutes


September 2023 Meeting Minutes