September 2022 Meeting Minutes
Robeson Elementary Center PTO
September PTO Meeting
September 13, 2022
Board Members In Attendance:
Jenna Kemp- President
Whitney Kemp- Vice President
Heidi Beitler- Treasurer
Danielle Klishevich- Corresponding Secretary
Amanda Ford- Recording Secretary
Angela Carvel, Dena Stefenack, Carrie Mountz, Amanda Szymborski Pratt, Kyllen Shambach, Meredith Kaszmetskie, Kelly Keiser, Ashley Klein (Kauffman), Danielle Lomnychuk, Jess Kabbeko, Marguerite Yohn, Ashley Schnoke, Lyndey and Mason Gehring, Jenny Poe, Valarie Smith, Caity Stenman, Diane Van B, Tiffany, Laura Mohn, Megan Coryell, Katie Price, Alysha Barber and Jessica Reardon
Start: 7:05
End: 8:30
Treasury Report:
Race for Education prizes bought and shown as expenses at a total of $452.64.
Boyer’s rewards have been coming in from last year at $64.62.
Amazon smile rewards coming in at $62.67. We have been receiving regular checks from Amazon
Purchases for Holiday Shop are at $ 2, 457.01 so far with an amount for expenses budgeted at $4,000.
Spirit wear income from back to school events is $525, However expenses for spirit wear is $1, 450. So we are still at -$925 in spirit wear. We do have plans to sell spirit wear throughout the school year.
The 4th grade bracelet sales have brought in $430 towards the 4th grade party.
Administrative purchases of Quicken and Squarespace, magnets and cards for a total of $516.05.
Classroom petty cash was handed out to staff for a total of $2,826.
Other expenses for library( $186.48), staff appreciation and school spirit($279.03 & $43.45) were used for welcome back breakfast and gifts.
Budget approval: Jenny Poe, Dena Stefenack
Ms. Caity Stenman (Guidance) introduced herself and is going to talk with Mrs. Van B about some new things they want to bring to the school this year.
Mrs. Valerie Smith (4th grade) Thanked us for being here and all that we do for the school)
Principal’s Report:
Steven Cortney assembly on 9/9/22 (first assembly in awhile) the teacher and kids loved it. It was a great way to kick off the school year. There was a grant this year to cover the cost but maybe we could look into having the PTO help if we want to have him come again and we don't have a grant for it.
Picture day Sept. 20th
Ms. Stennman and Mrs. Van B want to come up with a positive behavior plan/reward to be a school-wide initiative. It would be something along the lines of Fun Fridays/Robeson Rockstars. The program would consist of recognizing characteristics we want the kids to have . The staff will pick 2 winners each week, every student will have a chance to win. The announcement of winners will be at lunch with music. Prizes will be a pencil or lollipop. Red dot on the bottom will then allow them to pick/win another prize. A certificate will also be sent home so they can share with their families. Hoping to start last week of Sept/start of october. Ms. Stenman will need to use the cart in the shed and prizes left from Fun Fest.
Social/Emotional health for students: path lesson starting in october (letter will go home to parents) starting with k/1st. 4th grade will start in the spring.
Small group coming back with Mrs. Stennman dealing with social skills.
SAP: small group support for kids to help with emotional needs
1:1 support will be available through Child Guidance coming 3 days a week. This is a reference system.
No playground update: lower lot doesn't have sand yet (Mrs. Van B will check on that )
Sound System is very old, TVEC put in a new sound system. Invoices and details(18K). Look over and start to think about this. Find out what the district gave to TVEC.
Amazon wish list guidance: careful about the image we are presenting and adding a blurb about what we are trying to do with these additional donations to that classroom. Whitney can add info about the wants and needs that they have on their wishlist, but teachers need to do the write up. The district should be providing things that they need to be successful in terms of curriculum (Example: Fraction kits). There is a building budget but no specific amount when it comes to getting the teachers some of the things needed in their classroom. Kelly Keiser said about adding blurb about why they want what is on their wishlist and how it may be used in their classroom. Amanda Szymborski Pratt added the idea about adding amazon gift cards as an option to the wishlist to help with some of the bigger items.
Agenda Items:
Mini Grant requests/review
Mrs. Herbine wants new books to be purchased for $250 (15 books): Kelley Keiser and Jess Kabbeko approve mini grant.
PTO Give Back- Picnic Tables
Marshall Horan made the picnic tables. He would like to have pictures of the kids. One table is donated by the 4th grade class of 2022 and 2 tables are from the PTO. Mike Shupp helped pick up the tables, this was a big community effort to help get them there. We were really happy to be able to do this for the kids because the kids love to eat outside.
Staff Welcome back breakfast
Donut themed welcome back. Pastries and donuts from Boyers and fruit donated from Weavers. We gave out staff petty cash and welcome back gifts for staff and bus drivers.
PTO Portal
Whitney is killing it with the portal. Everyone really likes the portal. One stop shop to have all the stuff that we need. We will continue to be adding stuff onto the portal throughout the year so keep checking. Please give us any ideas for the portal and if anything isn't working please let Whitney know by emailing the PTO. The magnets are great, people are really liking them. We are working on adding the daily schedule. This is a little tricky but we are trying to figure out the best way to do this. One idea is to make a monthly calendar listing the cycle day . Whitney and Mrs. Van B will work on coming up with a plan.
Upcoming Fundraisers:
Online Raffles
We are continuing our raffles with Jess Kabbeko running these now. We will have one a month. This month's raffle is Robeson coffee mug, Twin Valley coffee and 2 $20 and 1 $10 lotto ticket. Tickets are $5 each for tickets and 40 tickets sold total. So far we have sold 30 tickets. The raffles are on facebook and the portal. The best way to sell tickets is to have people like and share, and invite friends. We have a lot of great things coming up with these raffles (Yeti cooler, Grill and lots of lotto tickets). The drawings will be live on Facebook. You must live in PA and be 18 or older to purchase the tickets.. Ashley Schnoke talked about putting how many chances are lefton the post so people can keep track and also let people know that it's closed.
Do it Local
Klingers 9/28 orders will be due 9/26. Pick up 5:30-6pm. This is a great way to bring in income with a little leg work. Mimmo’s is coming 11/21, and will do pie pick ups at the same time. Link is on the portals. Share the event link from the portals.
November Reading Royals Game with TVEC & HBEC
Elementary school night out with all the schools. Once ticketmaster is available to purchase tickets they will send the link. We are not sure what ticket prices will be yet, last year they were $9 or $13 depending on which ticket was purchased.
Pura Vida Bracelet Sales
Selling these for a 4th grade party. A second set was bought and when that is gone, that will be done. This all goes towards the 4th grade party.
Amazon Smile/Boyer’s Rewards
Amazon checks coming in regularly. This is an easy way to bring in funds. Carrie Mountz brought it to our attention that you need to have your notifications turned on to make sure that the school is receiving your amazon smile dollars. We should send out email blasts about signing up for amazon smile.
Boyers give back on your purchases at the store and then give a percentage of the purchase back in money to the School.
Childcare at Meetings
Childcare available again at meetings. Sign up genius for the kid to sign up. October through February have been covered so far. There are a few days we can’t go to the gym, maybe we can do movies in the library or other crafts.
Race for Education
Alysha Barber and Sarah are chairs. All the prizes have been ordered. The kickoff starts 10/3 and the Race is on 10/14.
We need help with sign making, the PTO will be buying metal stakes for the signs.
Talk to Robeson Township police about being around on race day, Mrs. Van B will take care of this.
Carrie Mountz will drop notes in mailboxes on whispering pines letting the neighbors know about Race for Education and asking if they are ok with us putting the signs in the yards.
This year's theme is all about FUN!!
Parents will be able to come this year. All parents walking and helping with snack distribution will need clearances. We will talk more about this on how to best figure out navigating getting stickers for parent helpers.
All grades will get a coloring page to add to their shirts. These will make their shirts look like race bibs. Maybe we can talk to Mrs. Giles about doing the coloring in class.
All kids will get a Robeson shirt
We will be getting donations for the snack for Race: Weaver’s for apples, Water for Eshelmans and Unique pretzels
Sign-up for volunteers will be coming out.
Talk with Mrs. Kling about anything she has planned.
Highschool heroes come, give out stickers
Race starts 9:30-10
Rain date: We haven’t done this before but we will work with Mrs. Van B to come up with one.
Spirit Wear sales
Ashley Schnoke and Jenny Poe took spirit wear over this year. The closing of the shop will be Sept. 15th. , so far we have 32 orders. Let's have Nancy put an email blast out before closing. We are using Customink t-shirt in reading. This is who the highschool baseball uses and Ashley has had great success with the company and they are easy to use.
Homeroom Parents
We went over how this is picked. The steps are as follows: 1. Names come in 2. Teachers have input on how many they want, if they pick or if we need to pick. 3. Teachers are approved. We only have one class that needs to be picked at random by PTO.
Here is the breakdown of Homeroom parents:
Knapp: Lyndsey Gehring, Megan Coryell & Amanda Ford
Davis: Ashley Klein & Angela Carvell
Burrows: Kylleen Shambach & Jill Tilling
Kline: Whitney Kemp & Sarah McCahon
Anderson: Alysha Barber, Tiffany Hagofsky & Alexandra Shaner
Hubert: Heather Lenko & Genevieve Deitz
Passerini: Jess Reardon & Mallory Deck
Fronina: Katie Price & Dani Klishevich
Ballash: Jenny Poe & Ashley Schnoke
Herbine: Heidi Beitler & Andrea Kelley
Eisenhard: Carrie Mountz & Kelly Keiser
Rusell: Angel Gooch & Stef Stewartz
Koch: Katie Weidner & Danielle Stoltzfus
Burns: Tonya Frank & Jess Kabbeko
Smith: Karen Keenan & Melissa Santana
Deren: Erin Thimm
Brennan: Maegan Leone & Jenna Kemp
All homeroom parents need to have updated clearances. These can be found on the website or reach out to Nancy for help.
Virtual meeting will be on 10/4
This will go over everything that is needed for the parties and expectations.
Halloween will be the first party for homeroom parents.
Snacks from approved lists, goodie bags they just can't be opened in school.
Yearbook Photo Collection
Stef Stewartz does our yearbooks.
Whitney is trying to create a google form for a collection of photos.
Last year with who we use, looking at using TVEC’s company.
PTO covers the cost of yearbooks.
Raider reach
This is a new program that we will be utilizing this year. With this program we can use funds to buy things that students need. Katie Price is getting donations from Leiss Orthodontics of toothbrushes, floss and toothpaste for us to have available for students. Mrs. Van B will bring this up at the next staff meeting.
Upcoming Meeting Information:
Family fun night is 9/15 with Steven Courtney. TVHS @ 7pm
Picture day is 9/20
Early Dismissal 9/23
Our Do it Local Event is 9/28, pick up from 5:30-6
The HS Homecoming game is 9/30 at 6:30
High school sports have begun, calendar here:
MiniTHON movie night is at the HS baseball field, 10/8 from 7-9pm
NO School 10/10
NEXT MEETING: 10/11 at 7pm
The PTO is here for you, please let any Board Member know if you have any questions.